Modesty. 1 Tim.2: 9/10
Introduction: Vines definition: modest as orderly, well arranged, decent.
1) We live in a society;
- Where rude statements and obscene pictures are printed on the clothing that people wear.(usually on T-shirts.)
- Where immoral dress codes are the order of the day.
- Where shameful nudity is slowly becoming a common practice.
- Where men wear effeminate clothing and women wear clothes of men.
Slowly but surely, many of these practices are becoming part of the lives of some brethren.
- Some brethren think it is proper to wear skin tight jeans, short shorts, tight or low cut tops or blouses, and other clothing that reveals with no imagination the life giving parts of the body.
2) God cares how you dress.
- Because He set the standard. Gen 3:6-11 ; 21 What God provided was unquestionably modest and decent.
- Mere coverings are not always enough.
3) The Inner heart is reflected in our dress.
- 1 Pet 3:3-4; (outward dress should reflect our inward life.)
- 1 Tim 2: 9; (Godliness.)
- Prov 7: 10 (harlotry.)
We are also commanded not to cause our brother to stumble, so think of others rather than yourself. Matt 18: 7 – 8 ; Luke 17: 1 – 2.
Young people have so much to deal with in their lives as growing Christians. We must not put pressure on them with our own likes and dislikes. \Ne must teach them, not pressure them.
How many of us have not laughed at how we dressed years ago, e.g.; jewellery, gel, hairstyles etc, and we thought we were so cool.
We must be patient with young people, they do grow up.
- Rom 12: 1 – 2. (present your bodies a living sacrifice.)
- 1 Cor 6: 19. (body is temple of God.)
- Titus 2: 3 – 5. (when examples are set, it helps to set a tone.)
Matt 5: 27 – 28. (whoever looks at a woman to lust…….. )
Whatever changes we have to make, whatever sacrifices or inconveniences we have to endure, however painful, embarrassing, unpopular or humbling these things may be, the reward for doing so far surpasses what small price we must pay.
Let us work together, not fight each other.
F.W.SAAYMAN (24 / 02 / 2008)L.F