V2. The admonition of the Apostle is that “ye shall no longer live in the lusts of
men, but to the will of GOD”
V3. One of these lusts indulged in previously was “winebibbing1′
Gr.Oinos—Wine. + Phluo—to bubble up; overflow: and indicates a drunken
excess. V.4 “…an excess of riot….”
There is no ambiguity in GOD’s word concerning the use of wine or alcohol.
Paul permits its use for medical purposes (1 Tim.5:23) but over-indulgence is
clearly condemned.
Romans 13:13. “Let us walk becomingly as in the day; not in revelling and
1 Cor.6;9-10. ” Or know ye not that unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom
of GOD? Be not deceived; neither fornicators..etc.v.l0..nor_drunkards shall
inherit the Kingdom of GOD”
1 Cor. 11:20-22. In this passage, Paul upbraids the Church for their drunken
behaviour. “..I praise you not”
Gal.5:19-21. Paul lists ” the works of the flesh” In v 21 “drunkenness” is
included. Paul concludes “…they who practise such things shall not inherit
the Kingdom of God.”
Eph.5;18. “And be not drunken with wine, wherein is a riot, but be filled with the
We need have no doubt on’ GODs position in this. Let us, therefore, be
wise…and Sober!! There is no embargo on drinking wine. Jesus produced
wine miraculously (John 2:1 -11) This was a social occasion and clearly shows
HIS approval. The problem is that of EXCESS 1
Christians would do well to abstain.
Dennis Dubery. Church of Christ Little Falls. October 2017