The question asked: Is it a sin not to study the scriptures?
We can always voice an opinion concerning what is sinful or not, but it is always better to be guided by the scriptures.
From the beginning, God has always required obedience.
Gen.3:16/17. Both Adam and Eve were punished for disobedience. We read of Noah and the disobedience of men (Gen.6) and Noah’s faith (v.22), So the principle is laid down.” Obedience is better than sacrifice” (1 Sam. 15)
GOD says what He means and means what He says (v.22)
GOD expects us to learn/study is clear from many scriptures, both by inference and command.
2 Tim.2:15-16. “Be diligent (King James “study”) to present thyself approved of GOD, a workman that need not be ashamed, handling aright the word of GOD”
A little thought shows us that effort is required to study the scriptures. This is not a suggestion but a necessary inference:
1) Diligent = effort.
2) Approved = No effort, no approval.
3) a workman = again, effort and application.
4) handling aright = how can we handle aright if we are ignorant of GODs word? See also Heb.5:13/14.
Conclusion: Not to study is to disobey GOD. True, we do not all have the same opportunity or have the same capacity, but we cannot excuse ourselves from some effort. Again, Heb. 2: l-5.”How shall we escape” etc. etc.?
2 Peter 3:16-18. Verse 16 – the information (knowledge) is contained in Paul’s letter, some things are “hard to understand, which the ignorant and unsteadfast distort to their own destruction”. Verse 17 – “seeing ye know these things, beware, lest ye are carried away by the error of the wicked and fall from your own steadfastness”.
Verse 18 – But grow in the Grace and Knowledge of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ”.
Conclusion Warning! Our negligence and slackness will lead us to fall. Verse 18 – we are commanded to grow! How is this done? Again Heb.5:13-14.
Other scriptures imply the need for effort on our part. 1Pet.2:9. We have been “called out of darkness, (ignorance) into His marvellous light(knowledge).
Eph.6:10ff. “Put on the whole armour of GOD…” This passage shows us what is expected of us. V.11 &16. Our adversary is the devil! V.18 calls for “all perseverance”
Conclusion: We are at war! We need to be always diligent and wear God’s armour! Ignorance is weakness, knowledge is strength!
Romans 15:4. The scripture is recorded “for our learning” We need to know what scripture says!
Matt 11:29. Jesus says “Learn of me”
John 12:46-48. We will be judged by His word. Are we ready for HIS JUDGEMENT?
As in all occupations, success is impossible without knowledge of the rules. Not the intricacies of the Law, but at least to have a working knowledge of basics.
Some have just enough Christianity to make themselves miserable and so need to “gird up your loins” 1 Peter 1:13. It is not easy, but Jesus died to lead us to Salvation. Let us not ignore this great Sacrifice! “How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation”? Heb.2:3.
Dennis Dubery.
13.02 2016.